Applied/Experimental Sound Research Lab


Vernetzung im Bereich KlangforschungNetworking with the MediaLab (University of Vienna) and the Struer Museum/Center for Sonic Cultural Heritage (Denmark)

On October 24, 2024, the ÆSR Lab - consisting of team members from the Phonogrammarchiv (ÖAW), the Angewandte and the mdw - visited the MediaLab of the University of Vienna under the direction and cooperation of Jörg Mühlhans and Christoph Reuter. In addition to an introduction to the premises and possibilities for usage, which range from cameras and microphones to precise motion measurements such as motion capture and eye tracking, we exchanged on research infrastructures at universities, access options and experiences of the lab, which has been established since 2019.

A meeting with colleagues from the “City of Sound” Struer, Denmark, also offered an exciting perspective on future cooperation: on October 30, three researchers and sound artists from the Struer Museum and SOKU (Center for Sonic Cultural Heritage) were guests at the Phonogrammarchiv. With the Sound Hub Denmark, the Sound Art Lab, the Struer Tracks Biennale and the commercial partner Bang & Olufsen, Struer already has interesting activities and technical infrastructures related to sound; the new project aims to further strengthen international knowledge transfer and networking.

We wish our colleagues Jacob Kreutzfeldt, Daniela Bretes Maciel Elneff and Mikkel Sørensen all the best for their project and look forward to future encounters!

Besuch beim MediaLab der Uni Wien

Private Quellen zur Migrationsgeschichte sammelnWorkshop invitation

A workshop by SONIME, a cooperation project of the Phonogrammarchiv and the University of Applied Arts with donors of audio letters

~Workshop language is German!~

The research project SONIME - Sonic Memories – Audio Letters in Times of Migration and Mobility collects, archives and researches on spoken greetings, messages and letters that were privately recorded on cassettes, tapes and other media, and sent by post to family, friends and acquaintances: similar to WhatsApp voice messages today, but in form of analog objects. We have already found many such audio and spoken letters in archives or received them from donors.

In this participatory workshop, we would like to reflect together with the participants on the special features of documenting and preserving private sources on migration histories. Many questions arise when archiving these testimonies of migration and mobility: What is actually preserved in the archives, where are the gaps? Is the perspective of the migrants who produced these private sources visible? How do the donors themselves want their personal objects to be remembered in the future? And how can the archive document these objects in the spirit of the donors and make them accessible to the public? Similar questions will be discussed in the three-hour workshop.

Date: Friday, 18.10.2024, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Location: Am Stadtbalkon, Bloch-Bauer-Promenade 13, 1100 Vienna

Due to limited room capacity, please register by e-mail to

Participation in the event is free of charge. We look forward to your participation!

Sammlungsaufruf auf Türkisch aus dem Projekt SONIME „Um Deine Stimme zu hören“

Politiken des Sound-Archivscooperation

A cooperation between the Phonogrammarchiv and the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Within the frame the ÆSR Lab, the seminar "Feminist Cultural Theories" took place in the summer term 2024 in collaboration with Kristina-Pia Hofer (Angewandte) and members of the Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW. The aim of the practice-oriented seminar was to provide insights into the archive's areas of work and to develop (artistic) research perspectives on sound archives as powerful and historically shaped contexts of inequality. In doing so, the students came into contact with current issues in the fields of conservation, restoration, field research, ethics and law. The approach to archival practices beyond exploitative logics ultimately encouraged speculation about im/possible futurities: From the rotting of archives to community-centered approaches of participation or cloud-based storage.

LV "Feministische Kulturtheorien" © Phonogrammarchiv

ÆSR Sound Projection Lab – Lange Nacht der ForschungPräsentation

Presentation of sound-space-temporal sculptures

As part of the Lange Nacht der Forschung, the ÆSR Sound Projection Lab is presenting sound sculptures in the foyer of the Future Art Lab at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw). These are projected using an IKO loudspeaker system, which makes it possible to emit sounds in all directions of the architectural space. For this purpose, pieces were developed by students of the Course of Electroacoustic and Experimental Music (ELAK) and cooperation partners of the ÆSR-Lab, which will be played throughout the evening.

First admission: 17:00

Last admission: 22:00

Campus der mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien

Foyer des Future Art Lab (Ground floor)

Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024

Das ÆSR Lab zu Besuch beim Institut für SchallforschungNetworking

On the musicality of budgies and anechoic chambers

On March 13, 2024, the ÆSR Lab project team - consisting of team members from the Phonogrammarchiv (ÖAW), the Angewandte and the mdw - visited the ARI Acoustics Research Institute (ÖAW). In addition to an introduction to and tour through the institute's labs in the Vienna Postal Savings Bank together with Peter Balazs and Piotr Majdak, the focus was also on imagining future collaborations: sound projection, machine learning and the development of efficient algorithms could be such posibilities and interfaces with the ÆSR Lab.

Besuch beim ISF © Bernhard Graf, Phonogrammarchiv
Besuch beim ISF © Bernhard Graf, Phonogrammarchiv

RingvorlesungKnowledge Transfer

Sound Art Research LECTURE SERIES

The lecture series Sound Art Research is dedicated to pluralistic approaches in the field of sound and noise in the broadest sense. The cultural and political dimension of sound as a tool for the critical negotiation of content is just as much a part of the lectures as artistic strategies and interventions.

The lecture series will take place on the following dates:

13. März: HUI YE







Details of the venue and time can be found at:


ÆSR Lab - YouTube KanalKnowledge Transfer

Video documentation of lectures that took place as part of the ÆSR Lab can now be found on YouTube.


StellenausschreibungNeue Stellenausschreibung jetzt online!

Gesucht: technische/r Mitarbeiter*in (8H)


Fotodokumentation Kick-Offnow online

Photo documentation Kick-Off

Here are a few impressions of the ÆSR Lab Kick-Off, which took place from 13 - 15 November at the Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab and the Zentrum Fokus Forschung.

Under the title SOUND (ART) RESEARCH, more than forty researchers came together to share and discuss their topics and positions on sound research with the audience in lectures, keynotes and panel discussions.

ÆSR Lab Kick-Off

ÆSR Lab Kick-Off13th to 15th November

The kick-off of the ÆSR Lab will take place from 13 - 15 November. The programme includes keynotes, lectures and sound performances.


New courses as part of ÆSR LabWS23

Date/start: 01.09.2023
Title: New courses online

As of today, the sound courses for the coming winter semester are listed under Teaching on our website. There you will find an overview of courses at the mdw and Angewandte. Further information can be found under TEACHING